Plug-in Details (Be aware of the security and compatibility risks when installing Plug-ins!)

APEX-Monaco-Editor-and-Diff-Viewer (24.04.18)

Region Plug-in by Ronny Weiß

This plug-in is used to render the visual studio code monaco editor in APEX. You can load source code as clob and the same or another source code as diff. The plug-in is also able to store the edited code back into the database e.g. in an APEX Collection as clob. You can set different languages, theme styles and many more.

Many thanks to Tobias Arnhold ( for testing and the idea!

Important clarification: My work in the development team of Oracle APEX is in no way related to my open source projects or the plug-ins here on! All plug-ins are built in my spare time and are not supported by Oracle!

DB versions,,,,,,
APEX versions,,,,,,21.1.0,21.2.0,22.1.0,22.2.0,23.1.0,23.2.0
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