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Hey, guys! I've been struggling with the online APEX manual for too long... Here's a cool AI assistant I've built that memorised the whole manual and can be of great help for a smooth sailing when building your apps. Do check it out for free for a limited time, no strings attached. I'd be grateful for any feedback.
Is Oracle apex good for my Career
I am Phd student in industrial egineering, and IT manager in oil gas services company ?
Is APEX 24.2 still being rolled through various OCI regions? I have an APEX environment in London which is still on 24.1.7 and not showing any available updates. Thanks
Hi All. In apex is it possible to create a burndown chart? If someone can guide through it? In Apex i can see some types of chart's available but no burndown one.
Hello people, how can i hide dates in date picker and show only months and year to choose.
Hi. In Apex 24.1.6, we have implemented a page (1) that has an inline dialog. (2) i.e. pop up a region of the initial page. The issue comes when we display the Apex confirm message (3) (called from _Dynamic Action -- Confirm_) - It does not *disable* the region underneath and user can go and change the fields while confirmation message is still on the screen. This is unlike how Regions underneath are disabled if we use a modal dialog. e.g. a User can click in the “New status” or “Update comment” fields (4), and change their values, which we dont want to allow. Does anyone have any idea how to *fix* the focus to the Confirm Message window? Thanks Alister Miller
is there any stop in select list properties to take empty as first value
Hi Everyone Hope all doing good.. i stuck with Select List for a filed.. the query under the select list returning values.. but by default the field is taking one value as shown, for the firs time it should show me empty to select
Oh! I just saw a similar message above, I’ll check
Thank you for your help. :)
Hi Apex Friends, do you know why Apex start randomly throwing invalid certificate with azure/microsoft social sign in ? The second after it works, and later it doesn’t work again… My certificates are valid in the wallet… All my clients are calling me since Friday for these certificates errors…
Hi guys, which is the best way to install APEX on am M1 Macbook using Docker? This one?
*Here's the situation:* I'm migrating a bunch of Oracle Forms applications running on a remote Oracle 11g database. We can't update the database until we finish migrating all applications. So far, so good. I have a requirement to upload photos to the remote database in one of these applications. So I wrapped my BLOB column in a scalar subquery expression like this: SELECT name, (SELECT image FROM dual) AS image FROM table; It works, but APEX sets the image column type to Plain Text. If I change it to Display Image, APEX throws an error: *Backtrace: ORA-06512: in "APEX_240100.WWV_FLOW_IR_RENDER*". If I change it to Avatar, it displays the image, but it's not the way I need it. I created a local table in APEX with the same fields as the remote database. If I upload the photos to the local database, I can set the type to Display Image. The downside of this solution is the need to synchronize both tables. Does anyone have a better solution?
We just upgraded to APEX 24.1 from 23.1. I have a region which is defined as "PL/SQL Dynamic Content" which is designated as Legacy. The region is displaying the contents of a file stored in a database table using "htp.p('<embed ....." since the file might be a PNG, PDF, DOCX, XLSX, etc. I changed the region type to the newer "Dynamic Content" region type and changed the code to "return '<embed ...." to make it work with the new region type. Now I get an error saying "500 Internal Server Error" with a header of "Oracle REST Data Services". I inspected the HTML with the browser developer tool and there is no further detail of the error to identify what's going on. any suggestions on how to display the contents of blobs inline in the page?
I am building a scenario modeling tool in APEX that someone had originally built in Excel (screenshot below). The idea is that we have real data for every employee, and we can enter adjustments (green area in screenshot), and see how that impacts the overall organization. My question is on the layout and formatting. I am not a fan of having those 5 green columns for entering adjustments when most will be blank all of the time. We also cannot adjust the actual values to the right as we need to reference the real values in the data source. Any ideas on how to format this in APEX (probably using Interactive Grid), where we can add adjustments to the individual cells, without replacing the underlying data? For reference, and adjustment will just add that adjustment amount to the real data point in the final calculations.
Currently, *APEX Workflow* provides the ability to "Invite Potential Owners" via the *Invite Participant* functionality when a potential owner is missing in the task flow. However, there is no similar option available to invite a *Business Owner* dynamically in the same way.
Does any one know why apex would suddenly start throwing ORA-29024: Certificate validation failure with azure single sign on? The certificate on the wallet still valid.
Today we updated our Dev environment from 24.1 to 24.2. And I am now getting the following error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Private field '#action$a' must be declared in an enclosing class Looking at the onclick, the beginning now looks like: #action$a-dialog-open?url=%2Fords On Prod that same button onclick looks like: javascript:apex.theme42.dialog('\u002Fords To generate this onclick, I am using APEX_PAGE.GET_URL() in the region query. I am aware that 24.2 had an update APEX_PAGE (Updates) GET_URL Function (Updated) - New parameter p_absolute_url. Were there any other changes to GET_URL?
Is it possible to have the AI Assistant only look at data in a certain region on the page? For example, I have an interactive grid (image of one below). I want the AI Assistant to work with that region, so if the user asks: What provider is trending up the most, it would give the answer based on that data? So far I can only get it to work in general, or with page items, but I need it to work with a region's data.
In ~5 hours, we are doing a UC live about APEX 24.2. We mainly focus on JSON Source support, AI enhancements and Template Components/UT enhancements, but also briefly go over the rest. Join via LinkedIn or YouTube.
Want the same APEX Builder drop down page navigation that lists all pages or allows direct entry of Page # found on every page, also available on the main application page (where you have components, utilities, import, etc.)? Save annoyance of having to do a search, get the page search correct or enter page #, and press Go. Admittedly a little thing, but annoying, and seemingly easy to fix. Vote for Idea:
Asking any of the Oracle folks here.. Is WebDB still a supported product?
We will soon upgrade to APEX 24.1 and I am interested in finding any documentation or examples on how to use the advertised "Group" feature of the new "select one" item type. I am hoping it means that we can create categories/groupings of list entries within the simulated drop-down list. I can't find anything online that outlines how to set up groupings within the new "select one" item type. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if i hide the P40_ENAME data is inserting through P40_ENAME_PP but when i hide P40_ENAME_PP and un hide the P40_ENAME then inserting null through P40_ENAME even though i gave value
Dynamically i am hiding the text field and popup lov field and making to appear only one at a time..... and both fields are pointing to same column in the table.. so while creating it's inserting null into table through
and page has two fields as below
Hi Everyone i struck with one issue with Form Region details are as below
Hi EveryOne, Is anyone using a product tour in APEX ? What about OGL (Oracle Guided Learning )? Thanks for advices or ideas :slightly_smiling_face:
And another one … : When generating APEX output with liquibase - we are running into an error after upgrading APEX to 24.2.1 : liquibase generate-apex-object -applicationid 1041 --Starting Liquibase at 2025-02-03T15:48:20.383592 (version #0 built at 2024-10-31 21:25+0000) Exporting Workspace PSIXV3 - application 1041:psiCentral No Data Found please verify your information. Apex object was not found, please verify inputs. Operation completed successfully. “successfully” is subject to interpretation :wink: And - especially for @Jayson Hanes - Oracle APEX PM - see the spelling of “Apex” :wink:
After upgrade from 24.1 to 24.2.1, trying to apply the latest version of the Universal Theme…. but running into this: *Theme Switch failed. Cannot Switch Template Component “Content Row”. Custom Attribute “Image” is required in Theme 42.* Someone has run into this as well - and fixed it?
Hello everyone. I want to disable weekend dates along with specific date for my date picker page item. The js function I'm using is below code : apex.items.P280_PAYMENT_DATE.dayFormatter = function (pDateISOString){ var day =, "YYYY-MM-DD").getDay(); var date =, "YYYY-MM-DD").getDate(); return { disabled: day == 0 || day == 6, class: function(){ if (day == 0 || day == 6) return "u-danger-text"; }(), tooltip : null }; }; apex.items.P280_PAYMENT_DATE.refresh(); How do I disable dates from table?
I'm comparing Mendix and Oracle APEX for a new project. I'm looking for current best practices for developing applications with APEX. My research has turned up some resources, including a 12-year-old book and some older articles, but I haven't found anything recent and comprehensive. Can anyone point me to up-to-date APEX best practices for new projects?
Hi everyone, I have a specific requirement for date picker. In date picker weekend should be disable to select. I also need to disable specific date from my table. This is JS function to disable weekend. Below is my ajaxcall back process to get dates from table. Now how do disable these dates in JS function at page load apex.items.P2_DATE_PICKER.dayFormatter = function (pDateISOString){ var day =, "YYYY-MM-DD").getDay(); var date =, "YYYY-MM-DD").getDate(); return { disabled: day == 0 || day == 6, class: function(){ if (day == 0) return "u-danger-text"; }(), tooltip : null }; }; apex.items.P2_DATE_PICKER.refresh(); declare l_all_dates varchar2(32767); -- Variable to hold the JSON array as a string begin -- Initialize the JSON array l_all_dates := '['; -- Query to get all the dates from the table for r in (select TO_CHAR(DATE_PICKER_DATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as date_value from DATE_PICKER) loop -- Add each date to the JSON array if l_all_dates <> '[' then l_all_dates := l_all_dates || ','; -- Add a comma for subsequent items end if; l_all_dates := l_all_dates || '"' || r.date_value || '"'; end loop; -- Close the JSON array l_all_dates := l_all_dates || ']'; -- Output the JSON response back to APEX htp.p(l_all_dates); end;
:wave: Hi everyone! how is going ı hope so everthing ok
we are live for the next APEX Office Hours, come join us! =>
I'm looking for a "date"-field that allows me to type "25" to get the "25th of januari 2025". My accounting software allows me this and it is very handy. Is anyone aware of a plugin that has this feature?
Hi Every one Good morning.. i have done doubt in APEX page design.. i wan two fields to get side by side as like in the below screen shot i am trying with column and column span options but not working .. could you please help me on this.
Would folks still recommend using *Ronny’s Notification Menu* plugin for “In-App Bell type” notifications or is their a more native way to achieve this functionality within APEX in later versions?
Hi how/where can I see the user activities in the Application inside the DB? There used to be a table named like _*workspace_activity_log,*_ but it seems not to be there any longer... Apex 19.2
has anyone implemented custom tooltips with html through oj charts?
Hi, experts, My login Page is very slow. Is there a way to check what is causing the delay? I tried to activate Debug Mode in the menu bar at the bottom, but I don't find anything. I looked at the Dev. Tool under "Network", could not find anything. I checked the section "Page Info / Show Page Timing", but cannot figure out what can cause the problem. I don't know what to do with this (See image). Any idea how to debug this issue? I am using Apex 19.2
Hi, We are looking to build an advanced condition builder in Apex, something like example attached. Has anyone seen any good examples of a condition builder built in Apex? We have an existing basic condition builder built in Apex but are trying to work out how we can group conditions Thanks
Ok, wild question here.. On a page, we have a file picker control. In the definition we are filtering to ONLY get .xls and xlsx files. APEX ADDS the All files option to list and our testers are upset that it allows selection of OTHER files. They wish it to atleast allow a validation to occur when the upload occurs telling them the file is of the wrong type. Currently it does NOT do the upload it just acts if no file was attempted to upload. Is there a way to validate a file type uploaded to match what the control specifies?
#_general we are live with our first webinar:
Hi Everyone Hope all are doing Good.. i have a got a requirement to design a page to schedule a job in Oracle APEX.. i went through some articles.. but those are suggesting through the approach which i available in shared components.. but user cannot go and schedule every time in the shared components, so asked me design a page for scheduling.. if any came accross this kind of requirement kindly share the knowldge
:wave: Hi everyone!
Workflow - Can I not use a passed in parameter as a substitution variable for the Title anymore (when driving from a PK)? Seems to throw an error when following Steve’s blog post -
Can a Workflow definition be exposed to the APEX runtime front end? For example to allow end users to dynamically create / modify a workflow. Does anybody have any examples of such if so?
Boys and girls, i'm looking to convince myself and my partners that we should use APEX for our projects. We looked at some web apps, particularly public web apps and what we've found is that the design is not usually top shelf. Can you recommend website built with APEX that have a top notch web design? Looking forward to your links!


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22-Feb-2025 12:35:57
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22-Feb-2025 09:39:03
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21-Feb-2025 15:18:36
21-Feb-2025 10:48:51
21-Feb-2025 10:44:10
21-Feb-2025 00:23:19
Kanchana Chandrasekaran
20-Feb-2025 20:34:25
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20-Feb-2025 11:20:58
massio de vitis
20-Feb-2025 11:13:37
Yerram Karthik
20-Feb-2025 10:53:26
Jegor Wieler
20-Feb-2025 10:19:13
Jose Aróstegui
20-Feb-2025 10:12:13
20-Feb-2025 05:21:11
Tadas Blinda
20-Feb-2025 00:20:33
Leandro Soares Rocha
19-Feb-2025 20:00:45


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