Apex version is
I have an application with an Interactive Grid, and every time I update the application, Apex overrides all the filters and highlights created by our end users.
Is this is the default behavior of Apex ?
20-Sep-2024 02:02:PM by: Rafael
Do you know what is happening here? Have you ever had this problem?
19-Sep-2024 12:53:PM by: Eric Sacramento
Hi eveybody , I hope you are doing great, we went into debate today as we are doing revamping for one of our client theme, so they raised a point that if we continue using VITA theme, it might be deprecated soon as Oracle showcasing Redwood, do you think that VITA will be deprecated soon? do you recommend to start over and re-do the work on redwood again, knowing that redwood has limited customizations in theme roller.
19-Sep-2024 11:09:AM by: Mohannad Amarneh
Issue: Oracle OCI ATP APEX 24.1 is giving gateway timeout errors for a process running 15-20 minutes. Changed timeout in OCI Load balancer but still getting meessage.
18-Sep-2024 07:41:PM by: Joe Kerr
Would you also prefer that the Master Detail didn't require you to fill the secondary display column? Then vote up for this idea
17-Sep-2024 12:57:PM by: Paulo Künzel
```Does Oracle Apex support OAuth2 + PKCE Authentication?```
17-Sep-2024 02:44:AM by: Vivek
Hello everyone,
I’m working on retrieving files from the GitHub API and creating an interactive report in Oracle APEX for user downloads. The API provides a base64-encoded contents field and a download_url. I’m struggling to decode the content and use it in the report to enable downloads.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards,
16-Sep-2024 03:47:PM by: Sridhar Utukuri
We're running a survey to collect your feedback, I'm asking you to spare 5 minutes to let us know HOW we're doing and what YOU'RE doing with oracle database
16-Sep-2024 02:33:PM by: thatjeffsmith
Good morning, everyone!
Well, the day has arrived!
I have an application developed and in production (I know it's not ideal) using Oracle 21XE and APEX. Well, the SYSAUX tablespace of the main container is occupying 4.5GB, and the database is about to hit the dreaded "exceeded 12GB storage" error. Considering that I won't be able to reclaim the unused space in the SYSAUX of the main container, I'm almost certain I'll need to reinstall the database, and here's where I need your help: is there any way to migrate the PDB1 container to a new database and thus avoid reinstalling Apex, privileges, schemas, etc., or would it be advisable to perform a complete new installation and migrate piece by piece?
Thank you in advance and best regards.
Juan Carlos
16-Sep-2024 10:47:AM by: Juan Carlos Pérez
Hi All, from the below end point, Upto http://oraclecloud.com|oraclecloud.com is the common rest api and after we need to set our own path i want to understand after .com/ Do we need to create our document understanding project in our oci console and the same need to give here? How to do ?This is the part of invoice automation in apex, reading file from object storage using document understanding in oci console. Thanks in advance.
12-Sep-2024 10:47:PM by: Jai
Hi All, we're using language translations in our app. I changed my code when I was using the english language on the app and it was working but when I tried to change the language it throws an error and the trace indicates it's using the old version of the code, do you know any fix for this or it is a bug in version 22.1?
12-Sep-2024 09:15:AM by: Richard Pavia
Hi all, how to create a incoming connection below to the activity in Workflow Definition. Because when a click on create connection by default it is creating out going connection. Incoming connection needs to be defined for few activities. Kindly suggest.
12-Sep-2024 02:10:AM by: Jai
is there a way to remove these gaps in the chart?
11-Sep-2024 01:06:PM by: Nitec
Hi @Everyone
*How to jasper pdf reports Direct print repot in oracle Apex*
11-Sep-2024 10:00:AM by: MD.SHAJALAL SAGAR
Pretty basic question really. Given a radio button, (LINK_TYPE) if the value is 'document' displayh 'doc_contents' item, otherwise do not display it at all.
LINK_TYPE has a Dynamic Action, with event scope of static and type immediate.
Under "When" I selected item p2_link_type. Under Client-side condition I selected "Item = Value" and then selected p2_link_type for item and 'document' for value.
Under True I created something I named 'Show' that basically repeats all of this. I have disabled "Fire on initialization"
I did something similar with False except that the action is Hide.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. This seems like pretty basic functionality but I can't seem to get it to work at all.
10-Sep-2024 05:37:PM by: Fernando Luna
Hi, I have a table of 3 columns - tab_no, code, code_desc. I develop a page that has 20 different list of values like popLOV or select list. I need to work with Rest Api. I think about some function that get the tab_no and returns the list of values but I don't know how to make it. I would love to have an explanation... thanks.
10-Sep-2024 05:13:AM by: Yarden Avraham
Aloha, just check any one has tried oracle apex tutorial lab: Automate Invoice Handling with OCI Document Understanding. After the app is created following the instructions, I am able to load the invoice pdf file to the oci bucket storage but keep running into this error "Request failed with HTTP-401: Unauthorized". If the credential is not correct, then file should not be uploaded to the cloud. Any suggestions. Mahalo.
08-Sep-2024 12:27:AM by: Winston Sun
Hi all, I am trying to make a Popup LOV fill the height of the screen when it is showing the list of values.
Does anyone if it is possible to dynamically set the height of a Popup LOV? I have tried the following in page load but it is not getting persisted:
apex.jQuery(window).on('theme42ready', function() {
apex.jQuery(".a-PopupLOV-dialog.ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content").css("height", document.documentElement.clientHeight);
06-Sep-2024 10:39:AM by: Neil Harsley
Just a heads up, when I just tried access apex.oracle.com I received the following wonderful error:
400 Bad Request
Request Header Or Cookie Too Large..
Any ideas on how to proceed?
05-Sep-2024 04:30:PM by: Tony Miller
I have a grid, in which I have 10-15 rows of questions. sample query similar to my grid sql:
' ' as Answer_VALUE,
I need to on the grid loading, programmatically set the remarks column (textarea) required if on the same row the is_required is set to Y.
Code I have right now to handle this:
var ig$ = apex.region("questiongrid").widget();
var gridView = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid");
var model = gridView.model;
model.forEach(function(record, index) {
var statusValue = model.getValue(record, "IS_REQUIRED");
if (statusValue === 'Y') {
var cellElement = gridView.view$.find("td[data-col='REMARKS']").eq(index);
else {
var cellElement = gridView.view$.find("td[data-col='REMARKS']").eq(index);
Code is running BUT not setting the required property… Does anyone see the issue I am missing?
Thank you!
Tony MIller
White Rock, NM
05-Sep-2024 01:56:PM by: Tony Miller
Good morning,
I currently have APEX 24.2 installed on my own server, running on Oracle Database 21SE, with ORDS 24.1 and Tomcat9.
The system is functioning correctly, but I am sure it can be optimized, and I am looking to hire an expert consultant to help me fine-tune the system. I don't speak English, and the consulting must be conducted in Spanish.
Please, if you know anyone who might be interested, ask them to send me a private message.
Thank you very much!
Juan Carlos P.
05-Sep-2024 09:25:AM by: Juan Carlos Pérez
I have an interactive grid with a radio group (values Y,N, NA) and need to use this value to show/hide an associated column in grid upon selection or when grid initially displays. I am running a dynamic action on the change event of the radio group that does the following:
// Get the interactive grid widget
var ig$ = apex.region("questiongrid").widget();
// Get the grid view and model
var gridView = ig$.interactiveGrid("getViews", "grid");
var model = gridView.model;
// Get the selected records (returns an array)
var selectedRecords = gridView.getSelectedRecords();
if (selectedRecords.length > 0) {
// Get the first selected record
var currentRecord = selectedRecords[0];
// Retrieve the value from the radio group column
var radioValue = model.getValue(currentRecord, "ANSWER");
// Display the value in an alert
alert("Selected Radio Group Value: " + radioValue);
} else {
alert("No record is selected");
My problem is this code is returning an OBJECT and not the actual value of the radio group.. Can anyone suggest a modification to help? I know the code does NOT show/hide columns, it will as soon as I determine the error in how to get the radiogroup value..
Thank you!
Tony Miller
White Rock, NM
04-Sep-2024 02:17:PM by: Tony Miller
anybody else getting 403 messages with apex service or autonomous from oci?
04-Sep-2024 01:22:PM by: Travis Caruth
Hello ,
I have implemented IDCS for SSO in my application. My requirement is that if I change the role (Admin, Manager, Employee) from the "Create User" form, the particular user for whom the role is changed should automatically be logged out from the application.
NOTE - we have successfully implemented it without sso using below code.
l_workspace_id number;
select workspace_id
into l_workspace_id
from apex_workspaces
where workspace = (
select workspace
from apex_applications
where application_id = :APP_ID
for session_rec in (
select apex_session_id
from apex_workspace_sessions
where workspace_id = l_workspace_id
and user_name = :app_user
and apex_session_id != :APP_SESSION
p_session_id => session_rec.apex_session_id
end loop;
03-Sep-2024 11:06:AM by: mayurmehar003
is someone management source control of apex application and other components with git and azure devops/github
02-Sep-2024 05:50:PM by: Chana-Shlang
Hi Experts,
Hope you all are doing great.
How can i upload pdf files through oracle Apex to Windows directory, and how can i save that directory reference in the table?
and how i can preview files from the reference link, which is saved in the table against pdf in the Windows directory.
01-Sep-2024 08:00:AM by: Mukarram Jamal
Is the sample "Doctor Appointment" application available for download anywhere?
31-Aug-2024 03:13:PM by: Ravi Kiran
Given a Restful Services module and a URL where I supply a value to determine what PDF content to display, I've set this up in my Apex application to reference this and also that it open up in a new browser window. Is there a way to control the title of the browser window that is opened up? It seems to use the ID from the database as the title and I'd rather it didn't.
31-Aug-2024 02:33:AM by: Fernando Luna
In an interactive grid, does anyone have a trick to show a radiogroup without a user clicking on column to actually display the radiogroup..
30-Aug-2024 09:08:PM by: Tony Miller
New day, new wonderful question on interactive grids.. I have a grid, with a # of columns, one of these is a date (expiration_date). I tried using the formation option under the action menu to change the text of a row RED if the expiration_date was in the past, and found issues.. Mainly it was doing process for rows that did NOT have an expired date. So, Is there a way to change the row text color conditionally via JavaScript on the grid? (I know I can change columns to html expressions and use a color string to conditionally change color, but then the columns are NOT searchable by the user..)
Any help would be appreciated..
29-Aug-2024 02:46:PM by: Tony Miller
Hi, I had a query regarding apex. I want to achieve that *When a modal dialog which is another page is closed or canceled* then i want to *refresh a different page*. I tried different ways but that somehow is not working. If someone can guide how can i do that?
*I used Dialog Closed /Dialog Canceled, Tried to submit the page as well, Lose Focus, Get Focus but somehow not able to achieve as required.*
If someone can guide regarding that? Thanks.
29-Aug-2024 11:21:AM by: Muhammed Sharjeel Arshad
On Autonomous (ADB-S) we are seeing the *ORACLE_APEX_BG_PROCESSES* job run consistently for 1m57 (even though there are no background processes defined). Is this expected? Thanks!
29-Aug-2024 08:04:AM by: Si
Hello all, I have a Json string and trying to get the value of an entry (See attached code).
Why am I receiving this error?
`PLS-00201: identifier 'JSON_VALUE' must be declared`
Isn't PLSQL JSON available in 12c?
Our DB is:
Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition Release - 64bit Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
json_text CLOB :=
"aud": {
"code": "AUD",
"alphaCode": "AUD",
"numericCode": "036",
"name": "Australian Dollar",
"rate": 0.076831819340876,
"date": "Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:57:20 GMT",
"inverseRate": 13.015440849622
"cad": {
"code": "CAD",
"alphaCode": "CAD",
"numericCode": "124",
"name": "Canadian Dollar",
"rate": 0.07033412372098,
"date": "Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:57:20 GMT",
"inverseRate": 14.217849702188
"cny": {
"code": "CNY",
"alphaCode": "CNY",
"numericCode": "156",
"name": "Chinese Yuan",
"rate": 0.37075655192528,
"date": "Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:57:20 GMT",
"inverseRate": 2.6971876688548
"rsd": {
"code": "RSD",
"alphaCode": "RSD",
"numericCode": "941",
"name": "Serbian Dinar",
"rate": 5.523079523315,
"date": "Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:57:20 GMT",
"inverseRate": 0.1810584105803
currency_string VARCHAR2(1000);
currency_string := JSON_VALUE(json_text, '$.cad');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('currency_string = '||currency_string);
28-Aug-2024 04:04:PM by: eureka7
Hello all, did anyone successfully unchain 2 modal dialogs in version 22.1? I'm calling a modal dialog from another modal dialog. I want to open the child modal to its own window without reusing the window of the parent modal. I already turned the property 'chained' to off for both of the dialogs but they're still chained when testing.
28-Aug-2024 12:40:AM by: Richard Pavia
Hi all, does anyone know whether it is possible to trigger a dynamic action when the user cancels from the modal dialog that is associated with a Popup LOV with Display As set to "Modal Dialog"? I need it to trigger if the Esc key is clicked, or if the 'X' is pressed. Thanks.
27-Aug-2024 11:59:AM by: Kevin Hugo
Hi all.
When using Apex on an Oracle XE database, does the apex data storage, count to the limited amount of user data? And if yes, then one would like to be able to install only the language(s) necessary for his app.
Given the two downloads that we are offered, english language / all languages, is there a way to achieve a single, non-english, language installation?
27-Aug-2024 11:46:AM by: Xenofon Grigoriadis
@Joe Kerr i tried but that somehow not working. If you have some screenshots for that?
26-Aug-2024 01:32:PM by: Muhammed Sharjeel Arshad
If you are referring to the page that called the Modal page, create a When Dialog Closed or Cancelled Dynamic Action and a true action of submit page
26-Aug-2024 01:27:PM by: Joe Kerr
Hi, i want to achieve that When a modal dialog which is another page is closed or canceled then i want to refresh a different page. I tried different ways but that somehow is not working. If someone can guide how can i do that?
26-Aug-2024 01:20:PM by: Muhammed Sharjeel Arshad
Good morning, everyone!
Sometimes I have very long page procedures, and I need to optimize code, remove comments, etc. I believe my limit is just under 15,000 characters.
Is there any way to increase this limit? I would be very grateful for your wise advice.
Best regards.
26-Aug-2024 11:32:AM by: Juan Carlos Pérez
Why I am receiving, "ORA-20999: PL/SQL function body did not return a value", when I open APEX application for the first time. I have defined a button and prompt input within a page of the application.
25-Aug-2024 04:30:PM by: santosh bhatt
Good evening everyone - I have an Feature request from my CEO for an Apex App.
He wants 2 buttons in an email template in which he can approve or decline an order from an other employee. Any ideas what's the best way for that?
My solution is to make 1 or 2 Sites which are only reachable over the link in the buttons and then runs an PL/SQL code which sets the values in the database and send a mail to the employee.
24-Aug-2024 08:24:PM by: Andi Oberhauser
hiii everyone....why am i getting below error ?any idea, I have implemented sso on my application.
24-Aug-2024 12:00:PM by: mayurmehar003
In an interactive grid, I have a number of columns and one is a checkbox.. I am TRYING to have a dynamic action fire when the checkbox changes (chec to uncheck and visa versa), is there something I need to do other than having column as checkbox and dynamic action defined on the change event?
23-Aug-2024 08:20:PM by: Tony Miller
Hello all,
I got a requirement where the admin user will upload a pdf to the application and the end user needs to view the pdf file in the browser without downloading. Is there any approach to achieve this? Please help in achieving this requirement l.
Thanks in advance,
23-Aug-2024 07:35:PM by: Sridhar Utukuri
Hello all,
I need to develop an application for Service/Order Delivery and Tracker, after a deal is won and customer purchased a product. It can be any kind of Telecommunication product.
Is there any sample application, that I can build upon or customize, instead of reinventing the wheel by starting from scratch?
23-Aug-2024 06:29:PM by: eureka7
What is the best way to suppress borders on page items within the so-called "classic" report? Am running Apex 24.1
I've tried adding
``` style="border-style:none";```
to the CSS inline field at the Page level...
Where should this go instead?
23-Aug-2024 03:46:AM by: Fernando Luna
We have file upload functionality in application so we want to check the file type restrict the script file. which can have malicious code. so we want detect file type based on the file content. is there any library to manage file services.
22-Aug-2024 08:15:AM by: ABHIJIT
Ok, in a prior thread I asked about having a grid and needing to add the ability to click on a row to set a page item with a column value.. That functionality is working BUT with a side affect.. If i have a child region with a grid within it, the dynamic action that reacts to the row click is firing AGAIN? I need to limit the initial dynamic action to ONLY fire if the click occurs within that interactive grid not ALL grids under the region
21-Aug-2024 02:40:PM by: Tony Miller
I am getting blank page for my APEX url!! Any idea what I can do? I stopped&Restarted Oracle Database in OCI.
This is supposed to take me to my APEX builder login page. It suddenly stopped working.
21-Aug-2024 02:38:PM by: Ravi Kiran