Lottie Animation 1.0 | Template Component | Louis Moreaux | 27-Aug-2024 | 27-Aug-2024 | 0 | No | Template component plug-in to easily embed Lottie animations in your Oracle APEX application |
Dynamic Row Refresh with Custom Templates 1.2.0 | Dynamic Action | Jordy Kiesebrink | 21-Aug-2024 | 21-Aug-2024 | 0 | No | A dynamic action plug-in for refreshing individual rows in Oracle APEX based on custom templates. This plug-in dynamically evaluates template conditions and substitutes variables to provide a flexible and powerful row refresh mechanism. |
Audio Player 1.0 | Template Component | Louis Moreaux | 14-Aug-2024 | 14-Aug-2024 | 0 | No | Audio Player plug-in for Oracle APEX |
Background Process Progress 1.0 | Region | Louis Moreaux | 08-Aug-2024 | 08-Aug-2024 | 1 | No | Region plug-in to monitor background process execution |
Text Blur UN Blur 1.0 | Template Component | Farooq Ahmad | 06-Aug-2024 | 06-Aug-2024 | 0 | No | This Oracle APEX plugin initially blurs text in Interactive Reports (IR) and Classic Reports (CR). The text unblurs when the mouse moves over it, providing a dynamic visual effect |
Instant Validation Plugin 1.0.0 | Dynamic Action | Christian Hesse | 02-Aug-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 4 | No | The dynamic action plugin executes APEX page item validations triggered by any browser event (e.g. Change, Lose Focus) without submitting the page. The plugin was inspired by 'Pretius Client Side Validation' plug-in but turned out to be a complete rewrite. Special thanks to Ronny Weiss for inspiration to create this plug-in and supporting me in various fields of APEX :) |
Image Comparison 1.0 | Template Component | Louis Moreaux | 01-Aug-2024 | 01-Aug-2024 | 0 | No | Slider Component for Comparing Images (Before and After). |
Timplating Youtube Embed 1.0 | Template Component | Tim Kimberl | 29-Jul-2024 | 29-Jul-2024 | 0 | No | A very simple Youtube Embed template component that allows you to display Youtube videos within an iframe by passing in the Youtube Video ID. |
Timplating Hero 1.0 | Template Component | Tim Kimberl | 29-Jul-2024 | 29-Jul-2024 | 1 | No | A richer Hero template component |
Date and Time Auto Formatter 1.0 | Item | Cristian Lo Giudice | 23-Jul-2024 | 23-Jul-2024 | 0 | No | This plugin for Oracle APEX automatically formats both dates and date-times. It supports the following input formats: ddmmyyyy hh:mm, d/m/yy, d/m/yy hh:mm, ddmmyyyy hhmm, ddmmyy hhmm, d/m/yy hhmm, dmyy, ddmmyy, ddmmyyyy. It provides the formatted output based on the 'Show Time' setting: Show Time: YES => dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm, Show Time: NO => dd/mm/yyyy. |
Enhance Interactive Grid with Treegrid 1.0 | Dynamic Action | Richard Baldogi | 26-Jun-2024 | 26-Jun-2024 | 5 | No | This happy little plug-in renders a treegrid to the Interactive Grid to beat the devil out of the report. |
JSON-item-display 0.4.0 | Item | Uwe Simon | 24-Jun-2024 | 17-Jul-2024 | 1 | No | Displays easy readable formatted JSON-data in interactive grids or on a page. The format for the JSON is based on a description in a JSON-schema. The schema can vary from row to row depending on the JSON-schema. The JSON-attributes can be addressed via JSON-path like #$.address.city# |
APEX Search Bar 1.0.1 | Dynamic Action | Silvio Sotelo | 13-Jun-2024 | 19-Jun-2024 | 3 | No | Search Bar like an e-Commerce => https://github.com/silviosotelo/apex-search-bar/ |
Pretius Interactive Grid Sort 1.0 | Dynamic Action | Pretius | 03-Jun-2024 | 03-Jun-2024 | 2 | No | Plugin enables you to sort/reorder your Interactive Grid rows by drag and drop or buttons. It is a simple and easy way to change the order of your rows in the Interactive Grid. |
KB Dashbaord 1.1 | Template Component | EL Hadji Abdoulaye KEBE | 03-Jun-2024 | 03-Jun-2024 | 4 | No | Oracle Application Express Plug-in for dashboard. |
Stats Counter 1.0 | Template Component | Rodrigo Mesquita | 29-May-2024 | 29-May-2024 | 3 | No | Create stats with this template component plugin. |
Date Validator 1.1 | Dynamic Action | Gabriel de Oliveira Bento | 04-May-2024 | 12-May-2024 | 1 | No | Oracle Application Express Plug-in for validate date on losing focus. |
Oracle Map info Picker 1.0 | Dynamic Action | ouadia essendoubi (wadie.) | 04-Apr-2024 | 04-Apr-2024 | 4 | No | Oracle Application Express Plug-in for retrieving information for a picked area within a map region. |
FlowForms 24.2 | Region | United Codes | 06-Mar-2024 | 14-May-2024 | 2 | Yes | Plug-ins Pro FlowForms: let users create highly advanced, dynamic Forms in their applications, all using a single Oracle APEX plug-in. |
APEX Scroll Progress Bar 1.0 | Item | Richard Baldogi | 03-Mar-2024 | 03-Mar-2024 | 2 | No | This plug-in creates a Scroll Progress Bar to a designated area of the APEX Page. |
124BITS - Uppy File Uploader 1.0.1 | Dynamic Action | Fernando D. Richter | 11-Jan-2024 | 11-Jan-2024 | 1 | No | Oracle Apex Plugin to integrate with Uppy file uploader. |
Calculator 1.0 | Region | Farooq Ahmad | 03-Jan-2024 | 03-Jan-2024 | 1 | No | The Calculator Plugin can be easily integrated into your applications. It provides a user-friendly interface for performing basic arithmetic calculations. |
Dynamic Typed Card 1.0 | Template Component | Oracle Tech Solutions | 26-Dec-2023 | 26-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Dynamic Typed Card |
Responsive Number Counter 1.2 | Template Component | Timo Herwix | 20-Dec-2023 | 15-Jan-2024 | 3 | No | This template component shows one (or multiple) animated counters that count up from zero to the final number. The animation will start only when the element is visible on the screen. |
Dynamic dates validator 0.8 | Dynamic Action | Novoshore | 19-Dec-2023 | 19-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Introducing plugin for validating the correctness and sequence of two dates. |
Multi selector layer 0.7 | Item | Novoshore | 19-Dec-2023 | 07-Feb-2024 | 1 | No | Introducing a simple yet effective multi-selector component that allows users to conveniently pick multiple items from a list. |
UC - Interactive Grid Process Rows 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Interactive Grid - Process Rows plug-in is used for bulk-processing rows of an interactive grid. It is a dynamic action that runs PL/SQL code on either only the selected rows or all filtered rows. You can pass page items in and out of the PL/SQL code, display success and error messages, programmatically control success and error message content and behavior, declaratively refresh the selected rows or the whole grid after completion, and it also takes care of message substitutions and escaping. |
UC - Static Content 23.1 | Region | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 31-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Static Region plug-in has been created to honor the everything refreshable principle. The plug-in allows you to refresh the static content client-side or server-side. It also supports shortcuts, Lazy Loading, Lazy Refreshing, HTML Sanitization, and showing a loading spinner and mask. Why would I want to refresh static content when it is static content after all? ...the reason is in the situations when you have used substitutions in your content. |
UC - Execute PL/SQL Code 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC - Execute PL/SQL Code dynamic action plug-in introduces some enhancements to the existing Execute PL/SQL Code dynamic action that APEX provides. These additional features include: Providing a processing icon whilst optionally masking the background either at the region or page level, Declarative Success & Error Notifications, Submitting and returning CLOB data using page items or Javascript variables, Returning the execution results to a Javascript variable, and Optionally suppressing the change event on page item values that are returned. |
UC - Trigger Events 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 31-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Trigger Event dynamic action plug-in is used for controlling the branching logic (if/then/else) within a dynamic action. It gives you/developers the declarative ability to fire custom event(s), which other dynamic actions can listen to, whilst giving you the option to cancel the following actions in the current dynamic action. |
UC - Timing Actions 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Timing Actions dynamic action plug-in is our solution for controlling the timing and frequency of the actions contained within a Dynamic Action such as debounce, delay, or throttle. It also includes a Timer to automate the repetition of your dynamic actions. |
UC - Tooltip 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Tooltip dynamic action plug-in offers a simple and powerful solution to extend any APEX application with fancy tooltips. Based on the popular open-source Tippy.js javascript library, we have added plenty of great features and customization capabilities that you can take advantage of. You can choose from different source options e.g. static, DOM attribute, SQL query, or PL/SQL, meaning your content can be static or dynamically fetched from the database with the option to cache the results for maximum efficiency. |
UC - Text Snippet Expand 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 0 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Text Snippet Expand dynamic action plug-in extends one or multiple input fields to listen for entered shortcuts (e.g. lol) and immediately expands them to a long version (e.g. laughing out loud). This is similar to an auto-correct functionality. This plug-in works on Text Fields, Text Areas, and CKEditor4 fields, as well as in Interactive Grids. Shortcuts and their expanded text are provided as a query. Additionally, you can also define stop-characters for a shortcut, that's the key after which a shortcut is evaluated. Default is space, period, comma, question mark, exclamation mark. |
UC - Spinner Actions 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Spinner Actions dynamic action plug-in is the perfect tool to deal with spinners and overlays. With support for various spinner icons, configurable display locations, and overlays with the color of your choice - it's never been easier to create nice loading screens. |
UC - Splitter 23.1 | Region | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Splitter plug-in is a region that divides its 2 subregions into 2 panels, separated by a draggable splitter bar. The subregions can be split horizontally or vertically, with numerous other layout options. This region must have exactly 2 subregions and it works best with a template without margins or padding, such as Blank With Attributes. This plug-in leverages the Spitter widget that is used in Page Designer. We have included it in this plug-in, as it required a few minor tweaks to support splitters hidden behind tabs, collapsed regions, etc. |
UC - Redirect 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Redirect dynamic action plug-in is an easy and declarative way to redirect to another page, URL, or open a modal dialog. You have the ability to redirect to a static URL (with substitutions) or a URL that is returned from a PL/SQL Expression. Additionally, you can submit page items and update their session state prior to the URL redirect and optionally execute some PL/SQL Code. The URL will be recomputed on the server when doing this. If you are using session state protection it will return the URL with updated checksums. |
UC - Range Slider 23.1 | Item | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Range Slider item plug-in is a lightweight range slider with multi-touch support and is packed with features. It supports numeric and date ranges, non-linear ranges, has keyboard support, and works great in responsive designs. You can: use it vertically or horizontally, use either a single or multiple value range, restrict the minimum/maximum range values, set page items with the range values, control the range color, and control the step size. It's the perfect page item filter for your reports and charts. This item plug-in integrates the noUISlider JavaScript Range Slider (https://refreshless.com/nouislider/). |
UC - Popup LOV Actions 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Popup LOV Actions plug-in adds the ability to dynamically set the value of a native Popup LOV item(s), including the items listed in the Additional Outputs attribute. Additionally, it can also provide a Clear button, so you're able to clear/reset the Popup LOV value (and all the associated items) with just one click. |
UC - Download File(s) Process 23.1 | Process | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Download File(s) process plug-in enables the downloading of one or multiple database-stored BLOBs or CLOBs directly through the browser. You don't have to worry about setting HTTP headers, converting CLOBs to BLOBs, or zipping the files. It's all done for you. Just specify which files to download via a SQL query or a more dynamic PL/SQL code block. Multiple files are zipped automatically, but a single file can optionally be zipped as well. |
UC - Image Slider 23.1 | Region | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC - Image Slider is a region plug-in that displays a gallery of lazily loaded images. It is based on the modern Swiper slider (https://swiperjs.com/) which also supports mobile devices, accelerated transitions, and native behavior. This plug-in offers the most commonly used features such as autoplaying, looping, thumbnail gallery, different display modes/sizes for the images, and so on. It offers various slide-transition options and a built-in description box which can be easily customized using CSS if necessary. |
UC - Drag And Drop 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Enable any list, card or table based region to allow drag & drop reordering.
<h4>Free Plug-in under MIT License</h4>
All UC plug-ins are released under MIT License, which essentially means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if commercial or private use.
<p>The <strong>UC - Drag and Drop</strong> dynamic action plug-in makes it possible to drag & drop elements inside a region. This could be a Cards region, a Badge list or basically everything that has a group of elements.</p>
<p>On every change of the order of items an event is fired passing the necessary change information accessible via "this.data" within your dynamic action handler. Additionally you can execute PL/SQL code to do an update of your database tables or execute some additional Javascript code.</p>
<p>The plug-in is built around Shopify's Draggable library (https://github.com/Shopify/draggable).</p> |
UC - Download File(s) Dynamic Action 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Download of database-stored BLOBs and CLOBs with a dynamic action. Multiple files are zipped automatically.
<h4>Free Plug-in under MIT License</h4>
All UC plug-ins are released under MIT License, which essentially means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if commercial or private use.
<p>The <strong>UC - Download File(s)</strong> dynamic action plug-in enables the downloading of one or multiple database-stored BLOBs or CLOBs. You don't have to worry about setting HTTP headers, converting CLOBs to BLOBs, or zipping the files. It's all done for you. Just specify which files to download via a SQL query, or a more dynamic PL/SQL code block. Multiple files are zipped automatically, but a single file can optionally be zipped as well.</p>
<p>The benefits of downloading a file using a dynamic action include:
<li>You have the flexibility of using SQL to decide what file(s) to download including filtering based on page item values</li>
<li>You can have further actions defined after the download action for improved workflow</li>
<li>You can wait for the result of the file to download before continuing your next action</li>
<li>You do NOT issue a page submit or redirect, which means you can handle errors better i.e. you won't be redirected to an error page</li>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> in "some cases" you may need to change your security setting "Embed in Frames" and set it to either "Allow from same origin" or "Allow" for this action to work correctly in preview mode. This is because the file will be downloaded in a hidden iFrame on the page. If your setting is set to "Deny" you may see a message in the console like: "Load denied by X-Frame-Options". We evaluated a number of techniques to download files and found that this technique has the best performance with larger files.</p>
</p> |
UC - Date Picker Eraser 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Clear/erase the "Date Picker" value. It's useful for users who want to keep their hand on the mouse/touchpad, saving that little bit of time and improving their productivity.
<h4>Free Plug-in under MIT License</h4>
All UC plug-ins are released under MIT License, which essentially means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if commercial or private use.
<p>The <strong>UC - Date Picker Eraser</strong> can do one thing, and one thing only: it can clear/erase the "Date Picker" value. It's useful for users who want to keep their hand on the mouse/touchpad, saving that little bit of time and improving their productivity.</p> |
UC - PL/SQL Dynamic Content 23.1 | Region | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC PL/SQL Dynamic Content plug-in is a refreshable region where you can output any HTML code using sys.htp.p calls or assigning the content to apex_application.g_clob_01. It supports Lazy Loading, Lazy Refresh, HTML Sanitization, can show a loading spinner and mask, and gives you before/after refresh events to hook into. Using this plug-in you have complete control of the HTML output. |
UC - Message Actions 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Message Actions dynamic action plug-in is an easy and declarative way to deal with APEX success and error messages. It can show errors inline with fields and in notifications, as well as showing page level messages that look the same as regular APEX page notifications. Internally we use the same Javascript API that APEX provides to show these messages. The message can be a static string with optional page item substitutions, or derived from a Javascript expression or function. You also have control over how escaping should be performed on the message. Either entirely, or only for certain page items if your message contains HTML markup. |
UC - Notifications 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 1 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Notifications dynamic action plug-in is built on top of a custom Javascript library and allows you to show success and error messages, as well as additional info and warning message types. It matches the look of native APEX success/error messages, and can be styled to your liking through Themeroller. Using this dynamic action, you can show multiple messages of each type, and customize them by setting their icon, position, how they are dismissed, and more. You can derive the message using static text with substitution support or from a Javascript expression or function. You can use HTML in the message or escape HTML for tighter security. |
UC - Advanced Password 23.1 | Item | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. An advanced password item with multiple features, such as password-peek, strength bar, and many more. The UC - Advanced Password item plug-in offers a visual, highly customizable alternative to the regular password input item. This plug-in is the ideal solution to enforce your application's password requirements like length, case, character mix, special characters, etc. It really shines for password confirmation in signup or password reset forms. |
UC - Interactive Grid Add Button 23.1 | Dynamic Action | United Codes | 12-Dec-2023 | 12-Dec-2023 | 2 | No | Free Plug-in under MIT License, which means it is free for everyone to use, no matter if for commercial or private use. The UC Interactive Grid - Add Button plug-in is a simple way to add buttons to the Interactive Grid. Whether it's the toolbar, the actions menu, the row actions menu, or the row selection menu, this plug-in allows you to extend all of these components with your own, highly customizable buttons, declaratively. The plug-in's settings give you fine control over the button position (first, last, index), look, icon, and which action should be executed when that button is clicked. You can execute a predefined action (i.e., delete row), execute some JavaScript code, trigger an event, put the currently selected row(s) pk value into a page item, or even provide your own actions. |
Multi Purpose Card 1.0 | Template Component | Farooq Ahmad | 25-Nov-2023 | 25-Nov-2023 | 2 | No | Multi Purpose Card |
QR Contact Save 1.0 | Template Component | Farooq Ahmad | 14-Nov-2023 | 14-Nov-2023 | 2 | No | QR Contact Save |